Welcome to a first website i created as “W3Teal”.
Other than this, i also have a new Mastodon account in Fosstodon, and i will signed up to an .is-a.dev
domain for w3teal one.
This blog is created usign astro-paper template, with a bit modification. And maybe, this will replace my DEV.to profile. Of course DEV.to is great place, but i need more personal page, and because I want to make “coding” as my primary activity.
Astro Paper is an stable, lightweight and amazing template. It’s have a curated docs, well maintained and a ton of configs, it’s make me easier to migrating without feels any issue.
Why not 11ty?
11ty is different from what I imagined, I often get errors and have to hard reset 11ty when I want to make a post. Even though I have experience and created templates such as 11ty Beer and 11micro, I have started to lose interest.
What will happen to DEV.to?
Nothing. The old DEV.to posts will still exist, but nothing will be added to DEV.to anymore (maybe?). And all the DEV.to personal posts will be transfered here.