If you see this page, you’re awesome! Thanks so much for come here, in my website!
Introduce myself, i like to called as @w3teal
in internet. If you’re wondering what that’s name means,
- W3: World Wide Web (like in W3C name)
- Teal: My favorite color! (In light theme, this accent is used. Specifically turqoise).
Logo variations:
Behind all these W3 Teal profiles, there is only 1 person who is always on the internet, let me introduce myself, Muhammad Danish Naufal! I am present on the internet as an anonymous person.
There’s so much you can learn about me, but here the curated:
- I’m school at SMP (Highschool) Negeri 1. (There’s no tech specific thing)
- I’m started coding at 2023 (Specifically in Friday, August 25, with sportswear)
- I run @kdensport@youtube.com, most well known video is FIFA world cup intro compilation.
- I was born and live in North Sumatra, Indonesia. (No #KaburAjaDulu)
- I’m high The Weeknd and Twenty One Pilots fans
The time is in ISO format so I can easily copy it to